Answering the Questions About Holistic Dentistry
Holistic dentistry, also referred to as biological dentistry, is an approach that considers a person’s entire state of physical and emotional health. The main difference between holistic dentistry and a traditional dentist is their approach. Holistic dentists believe that your … Continued
Why Should You Opt for Metal-Free Fillings?
If you already have silver amalgam fillings, it is highly possible to get them replaced. Thinking of having them replaced with metal-free fillings? Well then, you can avail of the benefits that are not found in metal restorations. Learn about … Continued
The Advantages in Choosing Porcelain Veneers
Over time, the teeth will become susceptible to damage, vulnerable to discoloration, worn down, and even defenseless against other oral health complications. Prevent these factors from turning your smile into a frown by considering porcelain veneers! Why? Because, if the … Continued