What’s Next After Scaling and Root Planing Treatment? – Spokane, WA

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The first thing that dentists would recommend to a patient who suffers from gingivitis is a scaling and root planing treatment. Since the early form of periodontal disease merely arises due to plaque and tartar, the procedure helps eliminate these accumulations to regain the healthy state of the gums. The dentist utilizes special dental tools that accurately clear away the unwanted particles, particularly those that are settling at the gumline.

Scaling and root planing is a painless procedure contrary to what other people think. Here at The Holistic Dental Center, we always prioritize our patient’s comfort. Our staff is trained, skilled, and approachable enough to give you a home-like feeling while having the procedure. Don’t hesitate to seek our assistance if you have any problems with your gums. We can guarantee you a safe and comfortable dental experience under our care.


Dental Appointment


Scaling And Root Planing Aftercare

The success rate of scaling and root planing treatment is relatively high. However, the condition of the gums and overall oral health is compromised if the right aftercare is not given. With that said, here are the things that you need to do after the procedure:

  • It is normal for the gums to bleed during the first few days. A mixture of salt and water is helpful to ease bleeding. Rinse your mouth with the solution for up to 3 times daily.
  • Keep up with your regular brushing and flossing routine. But you need to be extra gentle when cleaning your gums. You might as well consider switching to electric-powered toothbrushes as they get rid of plaque effectively.
  • You may experience teeth sensitivity after the treatment. You can soothe it by using a fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Some people experience a slight fever following the procedure. Be sure to drink plenty of water. Ask your dentist for pain relievers in case discomfort takes place.
  • Avoid smoking for 48 hours or longer after scaling and root planing treatment to prevent the healing process from slowing down.

The Holistic Dental Center will give you further instructions regarding the treatment. Feel free to ask us if you have questions about scaling and root planing.

If you experience early signs of periodontal disease, like your sudden bleeding of gums, bad breath, loss teeth or separate teeth, contact our office at The Holistic Dental Center for scaling and root planing under Preventive Care Services in Spokane, WA. You may book your appointment by visiting us at 731 W. Indiana Avenue, Spokane WA 99205.