Determine Electrical Yield from Metal Fillings-RITA

The RITA test, also known as the Electro-Galvanic test, is done to measure galvanism or the “battery effect” created by dissimilar metals in the oral cavity. Saliva is both acidic and saline, and is therefore, conductive when dissimilar metals are present. The RITA Test evaluates high positive or negative charges, which could affect tooth sensitivity and the connecting circuits that each tooth relates to with the entire body.

Mercury is the greatest concern with metal/amalgam fillings. However, copper is close behind in deadliness and quantity. The brain functions on seven to nine nano-amps and a metal filling gives up to at least one-hundred micro-amps. Unfilled natural teeth often produce a reading of one to four micro-amps of current only because our bodies are electrical units. It is imperative to observe that a reading of four micro-amps is regard as the uppermost acceptable electrical output. In these readings, the considerable variation is comparable to touching a nine-volt battery and putting your finger in a light socket as far as the brain is concerned. Because the upper teeth are no more than two inches from the brain, it is of concern that including this much additional electrical activity into the brain has the likelihood of producing misallocated impulses to the brain.

With the utilization of the RITA meter, we have the ability of verifying the quantity of electrical current released by every metal restoration. This permits us to institute the order in which your metal fillings ought to be restored, also call sequential mercury removal.

To know more, schedule a visit with the Holistic dental Center in Spokane, WA.